Quasi-similarity of contractions having a 2 × 1 characteristic function
Sergio Bermudo
Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, SpainCarmen H. Mancera
Universidad de Sevilla, SpainPedro J. Paúl
Universidad de Sevilla, SpainVasily Vasyunin
Steklov Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Let be a completely non-unitary contraction having a non-zero characteristic function which is a column vector of functions in . As it is well-known, such a function can be written as where are such that is an outer function with , is an inner function, , and (here stands for the greatest common inner divisor). Now consider a second completely non-unitary contraction having also a characteristic function . We prove that is quasi-similar to if, and only if, the following conditions hold:
- ,
- a.e., and
- the ideal generated by and in the Smirnov class equals the corresponding ideal generated by and .
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Sergio Bermudo, Carmen H. Mancera, Pedro J. Paúl, Vasily Vasyunin, Quasi-similarity of contractions having a 2 × 1 characteristic function. Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 23 (2007), no. 2, pp. 677–704
DOI 10.4171/RMI/509