Homogenization of iterated singular integrals with applications to random quasiconformal maps

  • Kari Astala

    University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Steffen Rohde

    University of Washington, Seattle, USA
  • Eero Saksman

    University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Terence Tao

    University of California Los Angeles, USA
Homogenization of iterated singular integrals with applications to random quasiconformal maps cover
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We study homogenization of iterated randomized singular integrals and homeomorphic solutions to the Beltrami differential equation with a random Beltrami coefficient. More precisely, let be a sequence of normalized homeomorphic solutions to the planar Beltrami equation , where the random dilatation satisfies and has locally periodic statistics, for example of the type

where decays rapidly in , the random variables are i.i.d., and . We establish the almost sure and local uniform convergence as of the maps to a deterministic quasiconformal limit . This result is obtained as an application of our main theorem, which deals with homogenization of iterated randomized singular integrals. As a special case of our theorem, let be translation and dilation invariant singular integrals on , and consider a -dimensional version of , e.g., as defined above or within a more general setting, see Definition 3.4 below. We then prove that there is a deterministic function such that almost surely, as weakly in , for .

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Kari Astala, Steffen Rohde, Eero Saksman, Terence Tao, Homogenization of iterated singular integrals with applications to random quasiconformal maps. Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 38 (2022), no. 7, pp. 2285–2336

DOI 10.4171/RMI/1392