A Group of Automorphisms of the Rooted Dyadic Tree and Associated Gelfand Pairs

  • Daniele D'Angeli

    Université de Genève, Switzerland
  • Alfredo Donno

    Université de Genève, Switzerland


In this paper we study the group of automorphisms of the rooted dyadic tree generated by translation by 1 and multiplication by an odd integer , showing that admits a self-similar presentation and it is isomorphic to the Baumslag–Solitar group . Moreover, we show that the action of on each level of the tree gives rise to a Gelfand pair.

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Daniele D'Angeli, Alfredo Donno, A Group of Automorphisms of the Rooted Dyadic Tree and Associated Gelfand Pairs. Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova 121 (2009), pp. 73–92

DOI 10.4171/RSMUP/121-5