Cyclic subgroup transitivity for Abelian groups

  • Brendan Goldsmith

    Technological University Dublin, Ireland
  • Ketao Gong

    Hubei Engineering University, Xiaogan City, China
  • Lutz Strüngmann

    Hochschule Mannheim, Germany
Cyclic subgroup transitivity for Abelian groups cover
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In previous work, the first two authors studied the notion of transitivity with respect to cyclic subgroups for separable Abelian -groups and modules over the ring of -adic integers. Here we consider briefly how the notion can be used in the context of torsion-free Abelian groups and also look at the situation for non-separable -groups and direct sums of infinite-rank homocyclic -groups.

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Brendan Goldsmith, Ketao Gong, Lutz Strüngmann, Cyclic subgroup transitivity for Abelian groups. Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova (2023), published online first

DOI 10.4171/RSMUP/143