Maximal subrings of division rings
Alborz Azarang
Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran

The structure and the existence of maximal subrings in division rings are investigated. We see that if is a maximal subring of a division ring with center and , where is the normalizer of in , then either is a division ring with , or is an Ore -domain with certain properties. In particular, if , the centralizer of in , then is a division ring, for each , is finite if and only if is algebraic over , and . On the other hand, if does not contain , then is a maximal subring of . Consequently, if a division ring has a noncentral element which is algebraic over the center of , then has a maximal subring. In particular, we prove that if is a noncommutative division ring with center , then either has a maximal subring or . We study when a maximal subring of a division ring is a left duo ring or certain valuation rings. Finally, we prove that if is an existentially complete division ring over a field , then has a maximal subring of the form where is finite over it. Moreover, if is a maximal subring of with , then for some , which is algebraic over .
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Alborz Azarang, Maximal subrings of division rings. Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova (2025), published online first
DOI 10.4171/RSMUP/175