On Positive-off-Diagonal Operators on Ordered Normed Spaces
Anke Kalauch
Technische Universität Dresden, Germany

On a normed space X ordered by a cone K we consider a continuous linear operator A from X to X of the following kind: If a positive continuous functional f attains 0 on some positive element x, then f(Ax) is greater or equal to 0. If X is a vector lattice, then such operators can be represented as sI + B, where B is a positive operator, I is the identity and s is a real number. We generalize this assertion for weaker assumptions on X, using the Riesz decomposition property.
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Anke Kalauch, On Positive-off-Diagonal Operators on Ordered Normed Spaces. Z. Anal. Anwend. 22 (2003), no. 1, pp. 229–238
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/1142