On Fourier Transforms of Wavelet Packets

  • K. Ahmad

    Jamia Millia Islama, New Delhi, India
  • L. Debnath

    University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA
  • R. Kumar

    Jamia Millia Islama, New Delhi, India


This paper deals with the Fourier transform of wavelet packets relative to the scaling function . Included there are proofs of the following statements:
(i) ) = 0 for all .
(ii) for all for some , provided are continuous.
(iii) for .
(iv) for a.a. where .
Moreover, several theorems including a result on quadrature mirror filter are proved by using the Fourier transform of wavelet packets.

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K. Ahmad, L. Debnath, R. Kumar, On Fourier Transforms of Wavelet Packets. Z. Anal. Anwend. 20 (2001), no. 3, pp. 579–588

DOI 10.4171/ZAA/1032