Traces of Besov Spaces Revisited
J. Johnsen
Aalborg Universitet, Denmark

For the trace of Besov spaces onto a hyperplane, the borderline case with and is analysed and a new dependence on the sum-exponent is found. Through examples the restriction operator defined for down to , and valued in , is shown to be distinctly different and, moreover, unsuitable for elliptic boundary problems. All boundedness properties (both new and previously known) are found to be easy consequences of a simple mixed-norm estimate, which also yields continuity with respect to the normal coordinate. The surjectivity for the classical borderline is given a simpler proof for all , using only basic functional analysis. The new borderline results are based on corresponding convergence criteria for series with spectral conditions.
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J. Johnsen, Traces of Besov Spaces Revisited. Z. Anal. Anwend. 19 (2000), no. 3, pp. 763–779
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/979