Differentiability Properties of the Autonomous Composition Operator in Sobolev Spaces
Massimo Lanza de Cristoforis
Università di Padova, Italy

In this paper, we study the autonomous composition operator, which takes a pair of functions into its composite function . We assume that and belong to Sobolev spaces defined on open subsets of , and we concentrate on the case in which the space for is a Banach algebra. We give a sufficient condition in order that the composition maps bounded sets to bounded sets, and we exploit the density of the polynomial functions in the space for I in order to prove that for suitable Sobolev exponents of the spaces for and , the composition is continuous and differentiable with continuity up to order , with . Then we show the optimality of such conditions by means of theorems of ‘inverse’ type.
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Massimo Lanza de Cristoforis, Differentiability Properties of the Autonomous Composition Operator in Sobolev Spaces. Z. Anal. Anwend. 16 (1997), no. 3, pp. 631–651
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/782