Fourier Multipliers between Weighted Anisotropic Function Spaces. Part II: Besov-Triebel Spaces
P. Dintelmann
Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany

We determine certain classes of Fourier multipliers between weighted anisotropic Besov and Triebel spaces and where and are weight functions of polynomial growth. To this end we refine a method based on discrete characterizations of function spaces which was introduced in Part I of the paper. Thus widely generalized versions of known results of Bui, Johnson and others are obtained in a unified way.
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P. Dintelmann, Fourier Multipliers between Weighted Anisotropic Function Spaces. Part II: Besov-Triebel Spaces. Z. Anal. Anwend. 15 (1996), no. 4, pp. 799–818
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/731