Some Remarks on the Hildebrandt-Graves Theorem
A. Vignoli
Università di Roma 'Tor Vergata', ItalyPetr P. Zabrejko
Belgos University, Minsk, Belarus

This paper is concerned with a generalization of the Hildebrandt-Graves implicit function theorem building on a weaker acting condition for the derivative of the nonlinear operator involved. The abstract theorem is illustrated by means of an application to nonlinear singular integral equations where classical implicit function theorems do not apply.
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A. Vignoli, Petr P. Zabrejko, Some Remarks on the Hildebrandt-Graves Theorem. Z. Anal. Anwend. 14 (1995), no. 1, pp. 89–93
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/664