Transport Equations with Fractal Noise - Existence, Uniqueness and Regularity of the Solution
Elena Issoglio
King's College London, UK

The main result of the present paper is a statement on existence, uniqueness and regularity for mild solutions to a parabolic transport diffusion type equation that involves a non-smooth coefficient. We investigate related Cauchy problems on bounded smooth domains with Dirichlet boundary conditions by means of semigroup theory and fixed point arguments. Main ingredients are the definition of a product of a function and a (not too irregular) distribution as well as a corresponding norm estimate. As an application, transport stochastic partial differential equations driven by fractional Brownian noises are considered in the pathwise sense.
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Elena Issoglio, Transport Equations with Fractal Noise - Existence, Uniqueness and Regularity of the Solution. Z. Anal. Anwend. 32 (2013), no. 1, pp. 37–53
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/1473