On the Uniqueness and Asymptotic Behaviour of Plasma Corners
M. Kunze
Universität München, Germany

In [2] the existence of solutions to a certain free boundary problem describing a plasma-vacuum interface in plane geometry was shown. This paper is a supplement to the investigation of R. Kaiser and D. Lortz in [2]: We shall first remark that the existence of such solutions (so-called plasma corners) can be proved by using a more general approach. Then we shall show uniqueness for small parameters, and finally we shall derive exact formulas describing the asymptotic behaviour of solutions at the corner.
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M. Kunze, On the Uniqueness and Asymptotic Behaviour of Plasma Corners. Z. Anal. Anwend. 13 (1994), no. 4, pp. 629–644
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/487