Domains of Attraction of Generic -Limit Sets for Strongly Monotone Semiflows
Peter Takác
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA

Asymptotic behavior of a strongly increasing semiflow in a strongly ordered metrizable topological space is investigated in terms of the -limit set of a generic point whose positive semiorbit is assumed to be relatively compact. The domain of attraction of the -limit set of a generic order -stable point is determined. If is an open and order-convex subset of a separable strongly ordered Banach space , it is proved that "almost all" points are order -stable, whereas the remaining -unstable points are contained in the union of at most countably many Lipschitz manifolds of codimension one in . If admits a strongly positive, compact linearization about its equilibria, then is a single equilibrium for every order -stable point .
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Peter Takác, Domains of Attraction of Generic -Limit Sets for Strongly Monotone Semiflows. Z. Anal. Anwend. 10 (1991), no. 3, pp. 275–317
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/452