The Explicit Solution of Elastodynamical Diffraction Problems by Symbol Factorization

  • E. Meister

    Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany
  • Frank-Olme Speck

    Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Portugal


A class of linear boundary value problems is considered due to time-harmonic elastic wave propagation in the exterior domain of a half-plane in . The explicit solution is obtained from a Wiener-Hopf factorization of specific types of non-rational 3 x 3 matrix functions, which occur as Fourier symbols in the corresponding boundary integral equations.

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E. Meister, Frank-Olme Speck, The Explicit Solution of Elastodynamical Diffraction Problems by Symbol Factorization. Z. Anal. Anwend. 8 (1989), no. 4, pp. 307–328

DOI 10.4171/ZAA/356