Identifikation von Interferenzschichtsystemen
Hans Kaiser
Universität Potsdam, GermanyHans-Christoph Kaiser
Karl-Weierstraß-Institut für Mathematik, Berlin, Germany

A unified approach to methods and tendencies in the identification of layered media within the framework of systems theory is given. New results concerning the holomorphic properties of transfer coefficients and their characterization by differential equations come to bear. A complete universal method for the synthesis of optimal achromatic systems has been developed. - With regard to the reflection or transmission of electromagnetic waves stratified media act as linear transfer systems. The guiding principle in their identification has been to operate in the following two steps: the first objective in mind is to determine the system function depending on the frequency; based upon this characteristic of the system one then explores its internal structure. These conceptions have been carried out for a homogeneous halfspace and a stack of homogeneous layers of equal optical thickness. The methods are discussed with regard to the significance of measurements as well as prescribed values.
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Hans Kaiser, Hans-Christoph Kaiser, Identifikation von Interferenzschichtsystemen. Z. Anal. Anwend. 7 (1988), no. 6, pp. 531–556
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/328