On Certain Higher Order Riccati-Type Operator Equations with Possibly Unbounded Operator Coefficients

  • Tapas Mazumdar

    Wright State University, Dayton, USA


Let and be complex Hilbert spaces, with topologically included in , and a complex pre-Hilbert space. There is considered the existence of a solution of the operator equation

in the space of (bounded or not) linear operators in under the data linear and one-dimensional. Under some hypotheses, an iterative analytic metiod to arrive at the existence of such a solution is given. Two examples are given.

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Tapas Mazumdar, On Certain Higher Order Riccati-Type Operator Equations with Possibly Unbounded Operator Coefficients. Z. Anal. Anwend. 6 (1987), no. 5, pp. 409–419

DOI 10.4171/ZAA/260