Die Bevorzugung hexagonaler Strukturen bei symmetrischen Oberflächenformen magnetischer Flüssigkeiten
Karin Quasthoff
Universität Leipzig, Germany

A magnetic ideal fluid under the influence of a vertical homogeneous magnetic field is considered. Over rhombic lattices with arbitrary angle equilibrium configurations of the free surface are determined. Especially, for some lattice length the bifurcation equations are solved and over regular hexagonal lattices with lattice length solutions of the bifurcation equations are given. The regular hexagonal structures, in an interval depending on physical parameters, have smallest energy.
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Karin Quasthoff, Die Bevorzugung hexagonaler Strukturen bei symmetrischen Oberflächenformen magnetischer Flüssigkeiten. Z. Anal. Anwend. 6 (1987), no. 6, pp. 517–528
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/269