Generalization of Cramér’s and Linnik’s Factorization Theorems in the Continuation Theory of Distribution Functions
H.-J. Rossberg
Universität Leipzig, Germany

Stimulated by a problem of Kruglov and a result of Titov we derive an elementary continuation theorem for distribution functions. It implies the following generalization of Carmér’s theorem. Let and be two non-degenerate distribution functions such that
where and stands for the normal distribution ; if the corresponding characteristic functions and do not vanish in the upper half plane, then and are also normal. Linnik’s theorem can be analogously generalized. More general variants are also discussed.
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H.-J. Rossberg, Generalization of Cramér’s and Linnik’s Factorization Theorems in the Continuation Theory of Distribution Functions. Z. Anal. Anwend. 4 (1985), no. 3, pp. 193–200
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/144