Twistprodukt und Quasi-*-AIgebren
Gerd Lassner
Universität Leipzig, GermanyGisela A. Lassner
Universität Leipzig, Germany

The Schwartz distribution space becomes a topological quasi-*-algebra with the distinguished subspace , if one defines the so-called twisted product in it. In the paper it is pointed out that the Weyl quantization IV(/) is an isomorphism of this topological quasi-*-algebra onto the topological quasi-*-algebra of all linear continuous operators of in . Furthermore, the problem of the extensions of the multiplications in these quasi-*-algebras is discussed.
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Gerd Lassner, Gisela A. Lassner, Twistprodukt und Quasi-*-AIgebren. Z. Anal. Anwend. 4 (1985), no. 4, pp. 363–372
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/159