Lokale Reflexivität und lokale Dualität von Ultraprodukten für halbgeordnete Banachräume
Klaus-Detlef Kürsten
Universität Leipzig, Germany

Let be the ultraproduct of ordered Banach spaces and let be a finite dimensional sub-space of the dual . Then there exists a positive iscmetric imbedding of into also satisfying some additional conditions In the case of Banach lattices the isometric imbedding may be chosen as a lattice homomorphism. Similar but somewhat weaker positivity properties can be satisfied for the almost isometric imbeddings of finite dimensional subspaces of into which exist by the principle of local reflexivity.
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Klaus-Detlef Kürsten, Lokale Reflexivität und lokale Dualität von Ultraprodukten für halbgeordnete Banachräume. Z. Anal. Anwend. 3 (1984), no. 3, pp. 245–262
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/105