Zur numerischen Bestimmung des Abbildungsgrades im I
Wolfgang Kliesch
Universität Leipzig, Germany

Two formulas computing the topological degree of a continuous function relative to an -dimensional polyhedron are presented. Both formulas are based on the same idea of construction. Let T be a triangulation of the boundary of and let f = sgn E(T), be a simplicial mapping from T into a boundary triangulation of the -dimensional unit cube, then the topological degree of the function relative to is given by
if T is oriented in a suitable manner.
The second computation formula is based on a simplicial mapping from T into the natural boundary triangulation of the -dimensional unit octahedron.
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Wolfgang Kliesch, Zur numerischen Bestimmung des Abbildungsgrades im I. Z. Anal. Anwend. 3 (1984), no. 4, pp. 337–355
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/112