Dualität bei Steuerungsproblemen und zugeordneten Flussproblemen II
Rolf Klötzler
Borsdorf, Germany

In this paper a duality is presented for problems of optimal control with multiple integrals. The same is performed for related more-dimensional flow problems which are generated from the first problems by a relaxing procedure (as in the one-dimensional case according to Part I). Both of these optimization problems have the same dual problem. For flow problems one can prove the validity of strong duality by means of Rockafellars Duality Theory under some additional assumptions.
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Rolf Klötzler, Dualität bei Steuerungsproblemen und zugeordneten Flussproblemen II. Z. Anal. Anwend. 2 (1983), no. 1, pp. 57–74
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/49