Existence Results for Strongly Nonlinear Elliptic Equations of Infinite Order
A. Benkirane
Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Fès, MoroccoMoussa Chrif
Université Moulay Ismail, Meknès, MoroccoSaid El Manouni
Al Imam University (IMSIU), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

In this work, generalized Sobolev spaces and Sobolev spaces of infinite order are considered. Existence of solutions for strongly nonlinear equation of infinite order of the form is established. Here is an elliptic operator from a functional space of Sobolev type to its dual and is a lower order term satisfying a sign condition on
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A. Benkirane, Moussa Chrif, Said El Manouni, Existence Results for Strongly Nonlinear Elliptic Equations of Infinite Order. Z. Anal. Anwend. 26 (2007), no. 3, pp. 303–312
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/1325