Uniform approximation by solutions of general boundary value problems for elliptic equations of arbitrary order I

  • Günther Wildenhain

    Universität Rostock, Germany


Let be a bounded, smooth domain, a closed, smooth, -dimensional surface in the interior of and an open subset of the boundary . In we consider a properly elliptic differential operator of arbitrary order with smooth coefficients. Let be a normal system of boundary operators on , which fulfils the classical roots condition. denotes the space of the restrictions on of the functions from

Among other things it is proved, that the space is dense in the space of the Whitney-Taylorfields of the order , i.e. all derivatives up to the order can be uniformly approximated on .

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Günther Wildenhain, Uniform approximation by solutions of general boundary value problems for elliptic equations of arbitrary order I. Z. Anal. Anwend. 2 (1983), no. 6, pp. 511–521

DOI 10.4171/ZAA/82