Über Nullräume, Wertebereiche und Relationen von Operatoren, die bei instationären IterationsverIahren zur Lösung linearer Gleichungen auftreten

  • Dieter Schott

    Hochschule Wismar, Germany
  • Wolfgang Peters

    Universität Rostock, Germany


Iteration methods of the form

are considered to obtain solutions or generalized solutions of the linear equation . Thereby the residues satisfy the iteration procedure

The existence of already guarantees the existence of the remaining limits and . Conditions are given, under which exists and possesses certain additional properties. These conditions are expressed on the one hand by operator equations and on the other hand by relations between null spaces and ranges of operators. The results are applied to two classes of iteration methods.

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Dieter Schott, Wolfgang Peters, Über Nullräume, Wertebereiche und Relationen von Operatoren, die bei instationären IterationsverIahren zur Lösung linearer Gleichungen auftreten. Z. Anal. Anwend. 1 (1982), no. 2, pp. 41–57

DOI 10.4171/ZAA/13