Spektrale Geometrie und Huygenssches Prinzip für Tensorfelder und Differentialformen I
Rainer Schimming
Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald, Germany

Several Laplace operators over an -dimensional Riemannian manifold (), applying to tensor fields and (alternating or symmetric) differential forms of degree , are considered. For definite and closed results on spectral geometry are obtained. If e.g. some is iso-spectral to a Laplacian of a flat manifold and greater than some bound depending on , then is flat. For lorentzian and results on Huygens’ principle (HP) are obtained. From and additional assumptions there follows that is flat.
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Rainer Schimming, Spektrale Geometrie und Huygenssches Prinzip für Tensorfelder und Differentialformen I. Z. Anal. Anwend. 1 (1982), no. 2, pp. 71–95
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/15