On a Class of Generalized -Entropies and Bernoulli Shifts

  • Thomas de Paly

    Universität Leipzig, Germany


The paper presents the construction of an example important for the discussion of some generalizations of the -entropy. These generalizations have been introduced in a previous paper. A formula for the generalized entropies of a process is calculated for the case where the process is given by a Bernoulli shift and a partition consisting only of cylinder sets. Furthermore, a special optimization problem on the set of all probability vectors of a given entropy is solved using a new method. The results of these computations are combined to the cited example.

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Thomas de Paly, On a Class of Generalized -Entropies and Bernoulli Shifts. Z. Anal. Anwend. 1 (1982), no. 4, pp. 87–96

DOI 10.4171/ZAA/31