Multiplicity Results for Classes of Infinite Positone Problems
Eunkyung Ko
Mississippi State University, USAEun Kyoung Lee
Pusan National University, Busan, South KoreaR. Shivaji
Mississippi State University, USA

We study positive solutions to the singular boundary value problem
where div , and is a bounded domain in Here is a continuous nondecreasing function such that We establish the existence of multiple positive solutions for certain range of when satisfies certain additional assumptions. A simple model that will satisfy our hypotheses is for We also extend our results to classes of systems when the nonlinearities satisfy a combined sublinear condition at infinity. We prove our results by the method of sub-supersolutions.
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Eunkyung Ko, Eun Kyoung Lee, R. Shivaji, Multiplicity Results for Classes of Infinite Positone Problems. Z. Anal. Anwend. 30 (2011), no. 3, pp. 305–318
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/1436