On a Class of Generalized Autoconvolution Equations of the Third Kind
Lothar Berg
Universität Rostock, GermanyLothar von Wolfersdorf
Technische Universität, Freiberg, Germany

Existence, uniqueness, smoothness, and asymptotics of solutions to a class of generalized autoconvolution equations with outer and inner coefficient are investigated. Further, holomorphic and asymptotic solutions of the equations are derived, and a numerical procedure for an approximate solving of the equations is tested by an example.
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Lothar Berg, Lothar von Wolfersdorf, On a Class of Generalized Autoconvolution Equations of the Third Kind. Z. Anal. Anwend. 24 (2005), no. 2, pp. 203–250
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/1238