Volume 13, No. 2 (1994)
Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen

pp. 181–189 On the Nakano Individual ConvergenceR. Zaharopol
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/517pp. 191–197 On Stationary Incompressible Norton Fluids and some Extensions of Korn’s InequalityMartin Fuchs
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/516pp. 199–207 Perron’s Method and Barrier Functions for the Viscosity Solutions of the Dirichlet Problem for some Non-Linear Partial Differential EquationsMythily RamaswamyS. Ramaswamy
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/515pp. 209–231 Asymptotic Formulas for Small Sessile DropsErich Miersemann
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/514pp. 233–260 A Schur Type Analysis of the Minimal Unitary Hubert Space Extensions of a Krein Space Isometry whose Defect Subspaces are Hubert SpacesAad DijksmaS.A.M. MarcantogniniH.S.V. de Snoo
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/513pp. 261–305 Spectral Estimates for Compact Hyperbolic Space Forms and the Selberg Zeta Function for -Spectra IIReinhard Schuster
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/512pp. 307–327 On the Existence of Holomorphic Functions Having Prescribed Asymptotic ExpansionsM. ValdiviaJean Schmets
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/511pp. 329–345 Spline Approximation Methods Cutting Off SingularitiesSteffen Roch
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/510pp. 347–358 On the Oscillatory Behaviour of Solutions of Second Order Nonlinear Difference EquationsE. ThandapaniS. Pandian
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/509pp. 359–364 On a Representation of the General Solution of a Functional-Differential EquationM. DrakhlinE. Litsyn
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/508