Asymptotic Formulas for Small Sessile Drops
Erich Miersemann
Universität Leipzig, Germany

We will prove asymptotic foriiulas for the wetted disk of a drop with small volume resting on a horizontal plane which is in a vertical gravity field. These formulas are general-izations of results of Finn. There is a non-uniformity in the asymptotic behaviour depending on whether the boundary contact angle is near or not. If the contact angle is different from we get a complete asymptotic expansion of the wetted disk in powers of the volume. These results are consequences of the strong non-linearity of the problem.
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Erich Miersemann, Asymptotic Formulas for Small Sessile Drops. Z. Anal. Anwend. 13 (1994), no. 2, pp. 209–231
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/514