New Books Published in 2024
Laura Simonite
An overview of the new book releases from EMS Press in 2024

This year we published 10 new titles in our main books collection, as well as 7 volumes of the Memoirs of the European Mathematical Society, and one open access title — 90 Years of zbMATH. Below you will find a list of these titles, and you may also wish to browse our annual New Books flyer, which offers a summary of each.
Statistical Mechanics of Mean-Field Disordered Systems, A Hamilton-Jacobi Approach by Tomas Dominguez and Jean-Christophe Mourrat (Zurich Lectures in Advanced Mathematics)
Lectures on Random Matrices by Roland Speicher (EMS Series of Lectures in Mathematics)
Lecture Notes on Diophantine Analysis, With an Appendix by Francesco Amoroso (Second Edition) by Umberto Zannier (EMS Series of Lectures in Mathematics)
Profinite Groups and Residual Finiteness by Gareth Wilkes (EMS Textbooks in Mathematics)
Stochastic Areas, Horizontal Brownian Motions and Hypoelliptic Heat Kernels by Fabrice Baudoin, Nizar Demni, and Jing Wang (EMS Tracts in Mathematics)
Topology and AI, Topological Aspects of Algorithms for Autonomous Motion edited by Michael Farber and Jesús González (EMS Series in Industrial and Applied Mathematics)
Polar Spaces by Hendrik Van Maldeghem (Münster Lectures in Mathematics)
Differential-Algebraic Equations, Analysis and Numerical Solution (Second Edition) by Peter Kunkel and Volker Mehrmann (EMS Textbooks in Mathematics)
Invariants of Links and 3-Manifolds from Graph Configurations by Christine Lescop (EMS Monographs in Mathematics)
Non-Archimedean Geometry and Eigenvarieties edited by Eugen Hellmann, Judith Ludwig, and Otmar Venjakob (Münster Lectures in Mathematics)
Alongside the Memoirs, all of these titles are available in print and digital formats, and can be purchased directly from the EMS Press Bookshop.