Statistical Mechanics of Mean-Field Disordered Systems

A Hamilton–Jacobi Approach

  • Tomas Dominguez

    University of Toronto, Canada
  • Jean-Christophe Mourrat

    École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France
Statistical Mechanics of Mean-Field Disordered Systems cover

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–iv
ContentsDownload pp. v–vi
OverviewDownload pp. 1–11
1Introduction to statistical mechanicspp. 12–21
2Convex analysis and large deviation principlespp. 22–57
3Hamilton–Jacobi equationspp. 58–102
4Statistical inferencepp. 103–156
5Poisson point processes and extreme valuespp. 157–207
6Mean-field spin glassespp. 208–252
ABasic results in analysis and probabilitypp. 253–282
SSolutions to exercisespp. 283–342
Referencespp. 343–357
Indexpp. 358–361