Advances in Representation Theory of Algebras
David J. Benson
University of Aberdeen, UKHenning Krause
University of Bielefeld, GermanyAndrzej Skowroński
Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland

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pp. v–vii PrefaceDavid J. BensonHenning KrauseAndrzej Skowroński
p. ix Contentspp. 1–37 Infinite dimensional tilting theoryLidia Angeleri Hügel
DOI 10.4171/125-1/1pp. 39–63 A survey of modules of constant Jordan type and vector bundles on projective spaceDavid J. Benson
DOI 10.4171/125-1/2pp. 65–101 On representation-finite algebras and beyondKlaus Bongartz
DOI 10.4171/125-1/3pp. 103–133 Quiver Hecke algebras and categorificationJonathan Brundan
DOI 10.4171/125-1/4pp. 135–193 Ordered exchange graphsThomas BrüstleDong Yang
DOI 10.4171/125-1/5pp. 195–210 Introduction to Donaldson–Thomas invariantsSergey Mozgovoy
DOI 10.4171/125-1/6pp. 211–230 Cluster algebras and singular supports of perverse sheavesHiraku Nakajima
DOI 10.4171/125-1/7pp. 231–261 Representations and cohomology of finite group schemesJulia Pevtsova
DOI 10.4171/125-1/8pp. 263–296 Superdecomposable pure-injective modulesMike Prest
DOI 10.4171/125-1/9pp. 297–367 Exact model categories, approximation theory, and cohomology of quasi-coherent sheavesJan Šťovíček
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