An Introduction to Noncommutative Geometry

  • Joseph C. Várilly

    Universidad de Costa Rica
An Introduction to Noncommutative Geometry cover

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–iv
ContentsDownload pp. v–vi
IntroductionDownload pp. vii–viii
1Commutative geometry from the noncommutative point of viewpp. 1–10
2Spectral triples on the Riemann spherepp. 11–20
3Real spectral striples: the axiomatic foundationpp. 21–31
4Geometries on the noncommutative toruspp. 32–42
5The noncommutative integralpp. 43–52
6Quantization and the tangent groupoidpp. 53–64
7Equivalence of geometriespp. 65–74
8Action functionalspp. 75–84
9Epilogue: new directionspp. 85–95
Bibliographypp. 97–108
Indexpp. 109–113