Lectures on Random Matrices
Roland Speicher
Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–iv | |
PrefaceDownload pp. v–viii | |
Contents Download pp. ix–xi | |
1 | Introductionpp. 1–11 |
2 | Gaussian random matrices: Wick formula and combinatorial proof of Wigner’s semicircle lawpp. 13–23 |
3 | Wigner matrices: Combinatorial proof of Wigner’s semicircle lawpp. 25–30 |
4 | Analytic tools: Stieltjes transform and convergence of measurespp. 31–40 |
5 | Analytic proof of Wigner’s semicircle law for Gaussian random matrices pp. 41–47 |
6 | Concentration phenomena and stronger forms of convergence for the semicircle lawpp. 49–59 |
7 | Analytic description of the eigenvalue distribution of Gaussian random matricespp. 61–72 |
8 | Determinantal processes and non-crossing paths: Karlin–McGregor and Gessel–Viennotpp. 73–78 |
9 | Statistics of the largest eigenvalue and Tracy–Widom distributionpp. 79–94 |
10 | Statistics of the longest increasing subsequencepp. 95–100 |
11 | The circular lawpp. 101–106 |
12 | Several independent GUEs and asymptotic freenesspp. 107–112 |
Referencespp. 113–115 | |
Indexpp. 117–119 |