Lectures on Gaussian Integral Operators and Classical Groups
Yurii A. Neretin
University of Vienna, Austria, and Moscow State University, Russia

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–iv | |
PrefaceDownload pp. v–vii | |
ContentsDownload pp. ix–xii | |
1 | Gaussian integral operatorspp. 1–56 |
2 | Pseudo-Euclidean geometry and groups Upp. 57–158 |
3 | Linear symplectic geometrypp. 159–225 |
4 | The Segal–Bargmann transformpp. 226–285 |
5 | Gaussian operators in Fock spacespp. 286–300 |
6 | Gaussian operators. Detailspp. 301–321 |
7 | Hilbert spaces of holomorphic functions in matrix ballspp. 322–380 |
8 | The Cartier modelpp. 381–407 |
9 | Gaussian operators over finite fieldspp. 408–426 |
10 | Classical -adic groups. Introductionpp. 427–475 |
11 | Weil representation over a -adic fieldpp. 476–505 |
Addendumpp. 507–536 | |
Bibliographypp. 537–549 | |
Notationpp. 550–553 | |
Indexpp. 554–560 |