Lectures on Gaussian Integral Operators and Classical Groups

  • Yurii A. Neretin

    University of Vienna, Austria, and Moscow State University, Russia
Lectures on Gaussian Integral Operators and Classical Groups cover

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–iv
PrefaceDownload pp. v–vii
ContentsDownload pp. ix–xii
1Gaussian integral operatorspp. 1–56
2Pseudo-Euclidean geometry and groups Upp. 57–158
3Linear symplectic geometrypp. 159–225
4The Segal–Bargmann transformpp. 226–285
5Gaussian operators in Fock spacespp. 286–300
6Gaussian operators. Detailspp. 301–321
7Hilbert spaces of holomorphic functions in matrix ballspp. 322–380
8The Cartier modelpp. 381–407
9Gaussian operators over finite fieldspp. 408–426
10Classical -adic groups. Introductionpp. 427–475
11Weil representation over a -adic fieldpp. 476–505
Addendumpp. 507–536
Bibliographypp. 537–549
Notationpp. 550–553
Indexpp. 554–560