The Formation of Black Holes in General Relativity

  • Demetrios Christodoulou

    ETH Zürich, Switzerland
The Formation of Black Holes in General Relativity cover

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–v
ContentsDownload pp. vii–ix
PrologueDownload pp. 1–28
1The Optical Structure Equationspp. 29–62
2The Characteristic Initial Datapp. 63–89
3 Estimates for the Connection Coefficientspp. 91–113
4 Estimates for the 1st Derivatives of the Connection Coefficientspp. 115–146
5The Uniformization Theorempp. 147–179
6 Estimates for the 2nd Derivatives of the Connection Coefficientspp. 181–214
7 Estimates for the 3rd Derivatives of the Connection Coefficientspp. 215–274
8The Multiplier Fields and the Commutation Fieldspp. 275–297
9Estimates for the Derivatives of the Deformation Tensors of the Commutation Fieldspp. 299–324
10The Sobolev Inequalities on the and the pp. 325–342
11The -tangential Derivatives and the Rotational Lie Derivativespp. 343–363
12Weyl Fields and Currents. The Existence Theorempp. 365–421
13The Multiplier Error Estimatespp. 423–440
14The 1st-Order Weyl Current Error Estimatespp. 441–480
15The 2nd-Order Weyl Current Error Estimatespp. 481–516
16The Energy-Flux Estimates. Completion of the Continuity Argumentpp. 517–571
17Trapped Surface Formationpp. 573–581
Bibliographypp. 583–586
Indexpp. 587–589