Microlocal Analysis of Quantum Fields on Curved Spacetimes
Christian Gérard
Université de Paris 11, Orsay, France

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–iv | |
ContentsDownload pp. v–viii | |
1 | IntroductionDownload pp. 1–5 |
2 | Free Klein–Gordon fields on Minkowski spacetimepp. 7–14 |
3 | Fock quantization on Minkowski spacepp. 15–20 |
4 | CCR algebras and quasi-free statespp. 21–42 |
5 | Free Klein–Gordon fields on curved spacetimespp. 43–63 |
6 | Quasi-free states on curved spacetimespp. 65–70 |
7 | Microlocal analysis of Klein–Gordon equationspp. 71–80 |
8 | Hadamard statespp. 81–91 |
9 | Vacuum and thermal states on stationary spacetimespp. 93–102 |
10 | Pseudodifferential calculus on manifoldspp. 103–114 |
11 | Construction of Hadamard states by pseudodifferential calculuspp. 115–128 |
12 | Analytic Hadamard states and Wick rotationpp. 129–141 |
13 | Hadamard states and characteristic Cauchy problempp. 143–157 |
14 | Klein–Gordon fields on spacetimes with Killing horizonspp. 159–167 |
15 | Hadamard states and scattering theorypp. 169–175 |
16 | Feynman propagator on asymptotically Minkowski spacetimespp. 177–185 |
17 | Dirac fields on curved spacetimespp. 187–207 |
Bibliographypp. 209–214 | |
General Indexpp. 215–217 | |
Index of Notationspp. 219–220 |