Complex Analysis
Translated from the Catalan by Ignacio Monreal
Joaquim Bruna
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, SpainJulià Cufí
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–iv | |
PrefaceDownload pp. v–vii | |
ContentsDownload pp. ix–xii | |
1 | Arithmetic and topology in the complex planepp. 1–38 |
2 | Functions of a complex variablepp. 39–84 |
3 | Holomorphic functions and differential formspp. 85–135 |
4 | Local properties of holomorphic functionspp. 136–163 |
5 | Isolated singularities of holomorphic functions. The residue theorem. Applicationspp. 164–206 |
6 | Homology and holomorphic functionspp. 207–235 |
7 | Harmonic functionspp. 236–325 |
8 | Conformal mappingpp. 326–382 |
9 | The Riemann mapping theorem and Dirichlet’s problempp. 383–414 |
10 | Runge’s theorem and the Cauchy–Riemann equationspp. 415–459 |
11 | Zeros of holomorphic functionspp. 460–503 |
12 | The complex Fourier transformpp. 504–554 |
Bibliographyp. 555 | |
Symbolspp. 557–558 | |
Indexpp. 559–564 |