Lectures on Curves, Surfaces and Projective Varieties
A Classical View of Algebraic Geometry
Mauro C. Beltrametti
University of Genova, ItalyEttore Carletti
University of Genova, ItalyDionisio Gallarati
University of Genova, ItalyGiacomo Monti Bragadin
University of Genova, Italy

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–v | |
PrefaceDownload pp. vii–xi | |
ContentsDownload pp. xiii–xv | |
1 | Prerequisitespp. 1–11 |
2 | Algebraic Sets, Morphisms, and Rational Mapspp. 12–50 |
3 | Geometric Properties of Algebraic Varietiespp. 51–82 |
4 | Rudiments of Elimination Theorypp. 83–105 |
5 | Hypersurfaces in Projective Spacepp. 106–165 |
6 | Linear Systemspp. 166–196 |
7 | Algebraic Curvespp. 197–237 |
8 | Linear Series on Algebraic Curvespp. 238–291 |
9 | Cremona Transformationspp. 292–339 |
10 | Rational Surfacespp. 340–385 |
11 | Segre Varietiespp. 386–398 |
12 | Grassmann Varietiespp. 399–432 |
13 | Supplementary Exercisespp. 433–465 |
Bibliographypp. 467–473 | |
Indexpp. 475–491 |