From Cardano’s great art to Lagrange’s reflections: filling a gap in the history of algebra
Jacqueline Stedall
University of Oxford, UK

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–iv | |
ContentsDownload p. v | |
IntroductionDownload pp. vii–xi | |
Characters in order of appearanceDownload p. xii | |
Part I From Cardano to Newton: 1545 to 1707p. 1 | |
1 | From Cardano to Viètepp. 3–28 |
2 | From Viète to Descartespp. 29–49 |
3 | From Descartes to Newtonpp. 50–77 |
Part II From Newton to Lagrange: 1707 to 1771p. 79 | |
4 | Discerning the nature of the rootspp. 81–103 |
5 | Roots as sums of radicalspp. 104–120 |
6 | Functions of the rootspp. 121–130 |
7 | Elimination theorypp. 131–145 |
8 | The degree of a resolventpp. 146–152 |
9 | Numerical solutionpp. 153–162 |
10 | The insights of Lagrange, 1771pp. 163–183 |
11 | The outsiders: Waring and Vandermondepp. 184–196 |
Part III After Lagrangep. 197 | |
12 | Dissemination and new directionspp. 199–208 |
Bibliographypp. 209–220 | |
Indexpp. 221–224 |