Eighteen Essays in Non-Euclidean Geometry
Vincent Alberge
Fordham University, Bronx, USAAthanase Papadopoulos
Université de Strasbourg, France

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p. v ForewordVincent AlbergeAthanase Papadopoulos
pp. vii–xx IntroductionVincent AlbergeAthanase Papadopoulos
pp. xxi–xxiii Prologuepp. xxv–xxvii Contentspp. 3–25 Area in non-Euclidean geometryNorbert A’CampoAthanase Papadopoulos
DOI 10.4171/196-1/1pp. 27–46 The area formula for hyperbolic trianglesElena FrenkelWeixu Su
DOI 10.4171/196-1/2pp. 47–56 On a problem of Schubert in hyperbolic geometryVincent AlbergeElena Frenkel
DOI 10.4171/196-1/3pp. 57–65 On a theorem of Lambert: medians in spherical and hyperbolic geometriesHimalaya Senapati
DOI 10.4171/196-1/4pp. 67–79 Inscribing a triangle in a circle in spherical geometryHimalaya Senapati
DOI 10.4171/196-1/5pp. 81–91 Monotonicity in spherical and hyperbolic trianglesHimalaya Senapati
DOI 10.4171/196-1/6pp. 93–111 De Tilly’s mechanical view on hyperbolic and spherical geometriesDmitriy Slutskiy
DOI 10.4171/196-1/7pp. 113–123 The Gauss–Bonnet theorem and the geometry of surfacesSon Lam Ho
DOI 10.4171/196-1/8pp. 125–134 On the non-existence of a perfect map from the 2-sphere to the Euclidean planeCharalampos CharitosIoannis Papadoperakis
DOI 10.4171/196-1/9pp. 135–150 Area preserving maps from the sphere to the Euclidean planeCharalampos Charitos
DOI 10.4171/196-1/10pp. 151–189 Area and volume in non-Euclidean geometryNikolay AbrosimovAlexander Mednykh
DOI 10.4171/196-1/11pp. 191–233 Statics and kinematics of frameworks in Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometryIvan Izmestiev
DOI 10.4171/196-1/12pp. 237–251 Contributions to non-Euclidean geometry IEduard Study
DOI 10.4171/196-1/13pp. 253–262 Notes on Eduard Study’s paper “Contributions to non-Euclidean geometry I”Annette A’Campo-NeuenAthanase Papadopoulos
DOI 10.4171/196-1/14pp. 262–320 Spherical and hyperbolic conicsIvan Izmestiev
DOI 10.4171/196-1/15pp. 321–409 Spherical, hyperbolic, and other projective geometries: convexity, duality, transitionsFrançois FillastreAndrea Seppi
DOI 10.4171/196-1/16pp. 413–425 Hermitian trigonometryBoumediene Et-Taoui
DOI 10.4171/196-1/17pp. 427–437 A theorem on equiareal triangles with a fixed baseVictor Pambuccian
DOI 10.4171/196-1/18