Handbook of Teichmüller Theory, Volume VII
Athanase Papadopoulos
Université de Strasbourg, France
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pp. 1–17 Introduction to Teichmüller theory, old and new, VIIAthanase Papadopoulos
DOI 10.4171/203-1/1pp. 21–62 The Deligne–Mumford compactification and crystallographic groupsYukio Matsumoto
DOI 10.4171/203-1/2pp. 63–87 Complex geometry of Teichmüller domainsSubhojoy GuptaHarish Seshadri
DOI 10.4171/203-1/3pp. 89–124 Holomorphic quadratic differentials in Teichmüller theorySubhojoy Gupta
DOI 10.4171/203-1/4pp. 125–164 Mostow strong rigidity of locally symmetric spaces revisitedLizhen Ji
DOI 10.4171/203-1/5pp. 165–193 Models of ends of hyperbolic 3-manifolds. A surveyMahan Mj
DOI 10.4171/203-1/6pp. 195–213 Universal Teichmüller space as a non-trivial example of infinite-dimensional complex manifoldsArmen Sergeev
DOI 10.4171/203-1/7pp. 215–238 Generalized conformal barycentric extensions of circle mapsJun Hu
DOI 10.4171/203-1/8pp. 239–285 Higgs bundles and higher Teichmüller spacesÓscar García Prada
DOI 10.4171/203-1/9pp. 289–299 A note on Nicolas-Auguste Tissot: at the origin of quasiconformal mappingsAthanase Papadopoulos
DOI 10.4171/203-1/10pp. 301–315 Memories of Herbert GrötzschReiner Kühnau
DOI 10.4171/203-1/11pp. 317–347 A note about Mikhaïl Lavrentieff and his world of analysis in the Soviet UnionAthanase PapadopoulosGalina Sinkevich
DOI 10.4171/203-1/12pp. 351–353 A letterOswald Teichmüller
DOI 10.4171/203-1/13pp. 355–363 On some extremal problems of the conformal mappingHerbert Grötzsch
DOI 10.4171/203-1/14pp. 365–370 On some extremal problems of the conformal mapping IIHerbert Grötzsch
DOI 10.4171/203-1/15pp. 371–374 On the distortion of schlicht non-conformal mappings and on a related extension of Picard’s theoremHerbert Grötzsch
DOI 10.4171/203-1/16pp. 375–385 On the distortion of non-conformal schlicht mappings of multiply-connected schlicht regionsHerbert Grötzsch
DOI 10.4171/203-1/17pp. 387–392 On closest-to-conformal mappingsHerbert Grötzsch
DOI 10.4171/203-1/18pp. 393–415 On five papers by Herbert GrötzschVincent AlbergeAthanase Papadopoulos
DOI 10.4171/203-1/19pp. 417–439 On a class of continuous representationsMikhaïl Lavrentieff
DOI 10.4171/203-1/20pp. 441–451 A commentary on Lavrentieff’s paper "Sur une classe de représentations continues"Vincent AlbergeAthanase Papadopoulos
DOI 10.4171/203-1/21pp. 453–461 An application of quasiconformal mappings to the type problemOswald Teichmüller
DOI 10.4171/203-1/22pp. 463–529 Investigations on conformal and quasiconformal mappingsOswald Teichmüller
DOI 10.4171/203-1/23pp. 531–542 Simple examples for value distributionOswald Teichmüller
DOI 10.4171/203-1/24pp. 543–560 Teichmüller’s work on the type problemVincent AlbergeMelkana Brakalova-TrevithickAthanase Papadopoulos
DOI 10.4171/203-1/25pp. 561–583 A Commentary on Teichmüller’s paper "Untersuchungen über konforme und quasikonforme Abbildungen"Vincent AlbergeMelkana Brakalova-TrevithickAthanase Papadopoulos
DOI 10.4171/203-1/26pp. 585–603 Value distribution theory and Teichmüller’s paper "Einfache Beispiele zur Wertverteilungslehre"Athanase Papadopoulos
DOI 10.4171/203-1/27