Handbook of Teichmüller Theory, Volume IV
Athanase Papadopoulos
IRMA, Strasbourg, France

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pp. vii–viii ForewordAthanase Papadopoulos
pp. ix–xi Contentspp. 1–39 Introduction to Teichmüller theory, old and new, IVAthanase Papadopoulos
DOI 10.4171/117-1/1pp. 43–111 Local and global aspects of Weil–Petersson geometrySumio Yamada
DOI 10.4171/117-1/2pp. 113–134 Simple closed geodesics and the study of Teichmüller spacesHugo Parlier
DOI 10.4171/117-1/3pp. 135–196 Curve complexes versus Tits buildings: structures and applicationsLizhen Ji
DOI 10.4171/117-1/4pp. 197–234 Extremal length geometryHideki Miyachi
DOI 10.4171/117-1/5pp. 235–254 Compactifications of Teichmüller spacesKen’ichi Ohshika
DOI 10.4171/117-1/6pp. 255–325 Arc geometry and algebra: foliations, moduli spaces, string topology and field theoryRalph M. Kaufmann
DOI 10.4171/117-1/7pp. 327–353 The horoboundary and isometry group of Thurston–Lipschitz metricCormac Walsh
DOI 10.4171/117-1/8pp. 355–374 The horofunction compactification of the Teichmüller metricLixin LiuWeixu Su
DOI 10.4171/117-1/9pp. 375–413 Lipschitz algebras and compactifications of Teichmüller spaceHideki Miyachi
DOI 10.4171/117-1/10pp. 415–437 On the geodesic geometry of infinite-dimensional Teichmüller spacesZhong Li
DOI 10.4171/117-1/11pp. 439–458 Holomorphic families of Riemann surfaces and monodromyHiroshige Shiga
DOI 10.4171/117-1/12pp. 461–537 The deformation of flat affine structures on the two-torusOliver Baues
DOI 10.4171/117-1/13pp. 539–618 Higher Teichmüller spaces: from SL(2,) to other Lie groupsMarc BurgerAlessandra IozziAnna Wienhard
DOI 10.4171/117-1/14pp. 619–677 The theory of quasiconformal mappings in higher dimensions, IGaven J. Martin
DOI 10.4171/117-1/15pp. 681–716 Infinite-dimensional Teichmüller spaces and modular groupsKatsuhiko Matsuzaki
DOI 10.4171/117-1/16pp. 717–756 Teichmüller spaces and holomorphic dynamicsXavier BuffGuizhen CuiLei Tan
DOI 10.4171/117-1/17pp. 759–784 A survey of quantum Teichmüller space and Kashaev algebraRen Guo
DOI 10.4171/117-1/18pp. 787–803 Variable Riemann surfacesOswald Teichmüller
DOI 10.4171/117-1/19pp. 787–814 A commentary on Teichmüller’s paper `Veränderliche Riemannsche Flächen'Norbert A’CampoAnnette A’Campo-NeuenLizhen JiAthanase Papadopoulos
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