Physics and Number Theory
Louise Nyssen
Université Montpellier, France

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pp. v–vii PrefaceLouise Nyssen
p. ix Contentspp. 1–38 The phase of oscillations and prime numbers: classical and quantumMichel Planat
DOI 10.4171/028-1/1pp. 39–78 On self-similar finitely generated uniformly discrete (SFU-)sets and sphere packingsJean-Louis Verger-Gaugry
DOI 10.4171/028-1/2pp. 79–131 Nested quasicrystalline discretisations of the lineJean-Pierre GazeauZuzana MasákováEdita Pelantová
DOI 10.4171/028-1/3pp. 133–164 Hopf algebras in renormalization theory: locality and Dyson–Schwinger equations from Hochschild cohomologyChristoph BergbauerDirk Kreimer
DOI 10.4171/028-1/4pp. 165–224 Fonction et matrices aléatoiresEmmanuel Royer
DOI 10.4171/028-1/5pp. 225–251 Some recent applications of KloostermaniaPhilippe Michel
DOI 10.4171/028-1/6pp. 253–265 Introduction à la correspondance de Langlands localeAriane Mézard
DOI 10.4171/028-1/7