Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic and Kinetic Problems
Stéphane Cordier
Orléans, FranceThierry Goudon
Lille, FranceMichael Gutnic
Strasbourg, FranceEric Sonnendrücker
Strasbourg, France

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pp. v–vi PrefaceStéphane CordierThierry GoudonMichael GutnicEric Sonnendrücker
pp. vii–viii Contentspp. 3–6 Introduction to Part I: Kinetic ProblemsStéphane CordierThierry GoudonEric Sonnendrücker
pp. 7–28 Numerical charge conservation in Particle-In-Cell codesR. BarthelméC. Parzani
DOI 10.4171/012-1/1pp. 29–42 An adaptive Particle-In-Cell method using multi-resolution analysisJ.-P. ChehabAlbert CohenD. JennequinJ. J. NietoJ. R. RocheCh. Roland
DOI 10.4171/012-1/2pp. 43–58 Adaptive numerical resolution of the Vlasov equationM. Campos PintoM. Mehrenberger
DOI 10.4171/012-1/3pp. 59–70 A conservative and entropic method for the Vlasov–Fokker–Planck–Landau equationN. CrouseillesF. Filbet
DOI 10.4171/012-1/4pp. 71–99 Numerical studies for nonlinear Schrödinger equations: the Schrödinger–Poisson-Xα model and Davey–Stewartson systemsChristophe BesseNorbert J. MauserHans Peter Stimming
DOI 10.4171/012-1/5pp. 101–129 Ionospheric plasmas: model derivation, stabilityChristophe BesseJean ClaudelP. DegondF. DeluzetGerard GalliceChristian Tessieras
DOI 10.4171/012-1/6pp. 131–141 A case study on the reliability of multiphase WKB approximation for the one-dimensional Schrödinger equationL. Gosse
DOI 10.4171/012-1/7pp. 145–148 Introduction to Part II: Hyperbolic ProblemsBruno Després
pp. 149–176 Liquid jet generation and break-upCéline BarangerG. BaudinL. BoudinBruno DesprésFrédéric LagoutièreE. LapébieTakéo Takahashi
DOI 10.4171/012-1/8pp. 177–207 Numerical study of a conservative bifluid model with interpenetrationB. DesprésS. JaouenC. MazeranTakéo Takahashi
DOI 10.4171/012-1/9pp. 209–237 DINMOD: A diffuse interface model for two-phase flows modellingF. CaroF. CoquelD. JametS. Kokh
DOI 10.4171/012-1/10pp. 239–270 Sharp and diffuse interface methods for phase transition problems in liquid-vapour flowsF. CoquelD. DiehlC. MerkleChristian Rohde
DOI 10.4171/012-1/11pp. 271–293 Geometric Eddington factor for radiative transferJ. CartierA. Munnier
DOI 10.4171/012-1/12pp. 295–333 Arbitrary high order discontinuous Galerkin schemesMichael DumbserC.-D. Munz
DOI 10.4171/012-1/13pp. 335–359 The multiple pressure variables method for fluid dynamics and aeroacoustics at low Mach numbersMichael DumbserC.-D. MunzM. Zucchini
DOI 10.4171/012-1/14