Quantum Groups
Benjamin Enriquez
IRMA, Strasbourg, France
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pp. 1–38 Lectures on tensor categoriesDamien CalaquePavel Etingof
DOI 10.4171/047-1/1pp. 39–80 The Drinfeld associator of gl(1 | 1)Jens Lieberum
DOI 10.4171/047-1/2pp. 81–105 Integrable systems associated with elliptic algebrasAlexander OdesskiiVladimir Rubtsov
DOI 10.4171/047-1/3pp. 107–133 On the automorphisms of U<sub><var>q</var></sub><sup>+</sup>(ℊ)Nicolás Andruskiewitsch
DOI 10.4171/047-1/4