Dynamics on the Riemann Sphere
A Bodil Branner Festschrift
Poul G. Hjorth
University of Southern Denmark, Odense, DenmarkCarsten Lunde Petersen
University of Roskilde, Denmark

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Dynamics on the Riemann Sphere presents a collection of original research articles by leading experts in the area of holomorphic dynamics. These papers arose from the symposium Dynamics in the Complex Plane, held on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Bodil Branner. Topics covered range from Lattès maps to cubic polynomials over rational maps with Sierpinsky Carpets and Gaskets as Julia sets, as well as rational and entire transcendental maps with Herman rings.
Contributors include Artur Avila (Paris VI, France), Arnault Chéritat (Toulouse, France), Robert L. Devaney (Boston, USA), Adrien Douady (Orsay, France), Nuria Fagella (Barcelona, Spain), Christian Henriksen (Lyngby, Denmark), Wolf Jung (Aachen, Germany), Tomoki Kawahira (Kyoto, Japan), Tan Lei (Cergy Pontoise, France), Mikhail Lyubich (Stony Brook, USA), Carsten Lunde Petersen (Roskilde, Denmark), John Milnor (Stony Brook, USA), Pascale Roesch (Lille, France).